viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

5th Grade English - Making Questions and Correcting Homework

Hello Fifth Grade!

Today, we are going to correct the activity I gave you on Tueday, June 2.

We had to change the affirmative sentences to negative and vice versa.

Please watch this video to hear me read the answers!

1) Ayoub likes to listen to music.        ->            Ayoub doesn't like to listen to music. 
2) Lenny doesn't have a dog.             ->            Lenny has a dog.
3) Kendall eats vegetables.                ->            Kendall doesn't eat vegetables.
4) Juanjo doesn't play football.           ->            Juanjo plays football. 
5) Michael wakes up at 11 o'clock.     ->            Michael doesn't wake up at 11 o'clock.
6) Aya doesn't watch YouTube.          ->            Aya watches YouTube.
7) Daniel goes to school by car.         ->            Daniel doesn't go to school by car.
8) The teachers speak English.          ->            The teachers don't speak English.


Now, I think it would be a good idea to practice making questions in English using verbs.

One important way of making questions is to use the auxiliary verb "do". This is how it works:

Affirmative:   He likes chocolate.
Question:       Does he like chocolate?

*Do you see that with "does" we use the INFINITIVE verb without "s"?

Affirmative:   You drink coffee every day.
Question:       Do you drink coffee every day?

Affirmative:   Michael listens to music. 
Question:       Does Michael listen to music?


Make QUESTIONS out of the affirmative sentences below.

1) She goes to sleep at 10 o'clock.        ->       Does she go to sleep at 10 o'clock?
2) Israel reads a book every day.
3) Paco speaks Portuguese.
4) Dikra goes sailing.
5) Brandi buys food in the supermarket.
6) They know how to cook.
7) You speak Spanish.
8) She likes ice cream.

Please do this activity for next week. Have a nice weekend!
