miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

3A/B English - Hangman!

Hello Third Grade!

Do you remember when we played Hangman in class? Now we can do it on the Internet!

Follow this link to do a game about the capitals of countries. Some are difficult, but try your best?

Easy question: What is the capital of Spain? 


Then, you can try this game about irregular verbs in the PAST tense. For example, eat is "ate" in the past.



Last week, I made this video. You had to find the VERBS that I said in my routine. Please watch one more time.

Here is the script for the video. Please correct.

In the morning, I wake up at 9 o'clock. Then, I brush my teeth and get dressed
After this, I eat breakfast and then I begin to work

The verbs are in bold (negrita) and describe my routine. What is your daily routine?

Have a good day!
