viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


Hello children!!!

Hopefully everything is alright at home.

The following work must not be done in just one day, you must work a page per day
This way your work will be more effective and productive in a long period of time. Remember to you the dictionary whenever you need it, it can be a normal bilingual one or on the internet.
I recommend you to complete it little by little, because you can show me what you have done the next 26th of March when you come back to retake the lessons.
As I told you to copy from the whiteboard for homework you should complete the following pages and activities:

  • Day 1. Unit = U-6, AB = Activity Book, page: 59, activity 2, because activity number 1 was already corrected on the digital screen, and this activity is the model to answer to these questions.
  • Day 2. U-6, AB, page: 60, activities 1 and 3. Activity 1 is a sound classification for irregular verbs endings, and activity 2 is a summary of the spelling rules I have already given to you in class about Simple past adding -ed.
  • Day 3. U-6, AB, page: 61, activities 1 and 2. Activity 1 is a reading comprehension, you can use the story as a reference "Adam's invention" if you have forgotten it. Activity 2 needs more concentration, you need to explain your answers. I will suggest you start your answers in this activity using a: Because... and for the answers, remember to have a look at how is used the grammar and vocabulary in each question, as I explained you to do before in the classroom. 
  • Day 4. U-6, Student's Book = SB, page: 63, activity 1. Read the story again and answer the questions. Remember to make full sentences, not just a short answer to each question. If you need it, you can reread the story on pages: 62 and 63.