lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

ENGLISH 5º. Irregular verbs.

Hello, again!

I hope you all are OK at home safe and sound, and enjoying your homework.

Remember what I always tell you: "You have time for everything if you organize your work"

Today I will remind you not to forget:

1. To learn by heart the 30 first Irregular Verbs from the list I have given to you in the first term. The first term were for the first 10 verbs, and the following 10 verbs were for January and February, so they should be only a revision, for March there are the 10 next verbs, that makes the total amount of the 30 first Irregular Verbs you should know by the time we come back to school.

I recommend you to learn them little by little, each day you can review the ones you have already learned by heart and a few more, this could be 5 more verbs per day. When you have learned all of them by heart, don't forget to review the verbs from time to time not to forget them again.

When we come back we will have an Irregular Verbs test to check your progress.

2. To finish you pending essays: such as the Round table most dangerous beast and your Legends.
Some of you didn't bring them to me on time, even you knew they should be finished by the end of February, and we are in March.

They should be clean and neat. I will get them when we come back to school.

3. To complete the photocopies from unit 6 Language Reference booklet about the Past Simple of regular verbs pages: 14 and 15. Remember to pay attention to the models given in the photocopies to fill in your answers as I taught you in the classroom. We will correct them in the classroom when we come back to school.

4. To review the vocabulary and grammar from Unit 6.

I will say how to plan all this work y several days, for example:

Day 1: 15 minutes for the irregular verbs, if you have pending point 2 you should use another 15 minutes or so to complete this task and finally 15 or 30 minutes to do page 14 Past Simple in point 3.

Day 2:  15 minutes for the irregular verbs, if you have pending point 2 you should use another 15 minutes or so to complete this task and finally 15 or 30 minutes to do page 15 Past Simple in point 3.

Day 3:  15 minutes for the irregular verbs, if you have pending point 2 you should use another 15 minutes or so to complete this task and finally 15 minutes to review Unit 6 as I said in point 4.

Day 4:  15 minutes for the irregular verbs, if you have pending point 2 you should use another 15 minutes or so to complete this task and finally 15 minutes to review Unit 6 as It is said in point 4.

Day 5: You will go on reviewing all what you have learned not to forget it and so on in the following days.

When we come back to school we will correct these activities together.

So, now take advantage of this work not to be bored and to get a better English level!!!.

See you soon! And take care of you and your families!