martes, 17 de marzo de 2020



Hello, again! I wish you the best for all of you at home!

I will remind you what to do with this subject helping you to organize your daily work not to get bored and not to forget what we have learned in the classroom.

First of all we copied pages 74 and 75, we used de dictionaries to look up the unknown vocabulary, in these two pages we learned about Money and savings, and Method of payment.
We also knew about the invention of coins in ancient Turkey. If you haven't completed them you should start with them.

This is a possible way to work on your own the rest of the unit:

Day 1: Copy page 76, you should look up the unknown vocabulary using a bilingual dictionary
or on the internet. You need to add the new words in your vocabulary list at the back of your notebooks. Here you will learn how to classify different companies depending on several criteria.

Day 2: Copy page 78, again you should work with the vocabulary as I explained in Day 1. Here you will learn about consumerism and advertising.

Day 3: Review the whole unit and start doing in your notebooks the activities from de Check what you Know! pages: 82 and 83. We will correct them when we come back to school to review the unit and prepare the test unit.

Day 4: Start reviewing Units 4, 5 and 6 and start doing in your notebooks the activities from the Review Units 4-6, pages. 84 and 85. Remember these pages are specially important because they can make you pass the second term recuperation test.

It may take you longer than 4 days, don't worry!. You will have plenty of time to do everything.

Good luck! I will be in touch soon with you!