miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020



Hello again! Today I will advice about your Natural Science daily work.

We have already copied pages 86 and 87, and we have looked up the unknown words in a bilingual dictionary or on the internet. In these two pages we have learned about Biodiversity: Land Ecosystems, Aquatic Ecosystems and Mixed Ecosystems.

If you haven't completed them you should start copying them in your notebooks. 

This is a possible way to work on your own the rest of the unit:

Day 1: Copy page 88, you should look up the unknown words in a bilingual dictionary or on the internet. You need to add the new words in your vocabulary list at the back of your notebooks.
Here we will learn about The loss of biodiversity, the importance of ecosystems and species extinction.

Day 2: Copy page 89 and Did you know...?. Again you should work as I explained in Day 1.
Here you will learn about Soil and the causes why we lose soil.

Day 3: Copy page 90, using the techniques I told you in day 1 about vocabulary.
We will understand how human activity affects ecosystems, and our ecological footprint. 

Day 4: Copy page 91 and Did you know...?. See day 1 for vocabulary work.
We will see how to protect our planet, the ways we can help the planet individually, preventive measures and corrective measures.

Day 5: First review the whole unit, then start doing in your notebooks the activities from the Check what you know! pages: 94 and 95. We will correct them when we come back to school to review the unit and prepare the test.

Day 6: Start reviewing Units 4, 5 and 6. Then do in your notebooks  the activities from the Review Units 4-6, pages: 96 and 97. We will correct them when we come back to school to review units 4, 5 and 6 and prepare the test. Remember these pages are specially important because they can make you pass the second term recuperation test.

All this work may take you more than 6 days, don't worry! You will have plenty of time to do everything.

Good work! Remember if you organize your time effectively you will have time to do all on time, and have time to enjoy yourselves doing other activities too.