domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

PET and KET for Schools IV


Part 1
3-option multiple choice.
5 very short discrete texts: sings and messages, postcards, notes, emails, labels, etc.
Reading real-world notices and other short texts for the main message.
5 questions.

Part 2
10 items in the form of descriptions of people to match to 8 short adaped-authentic texts.
Reading  multiple texts for specific information and detailed comprehension.
5 questions.

Part 3
10 items with an adapted-authentic long text.
Processing a factual text. Scanning for specific information while disregarding redundant material.
10 questions.

Part 4
4-option multiple choice.
5 items with an adapted-authentic long text.
Reading for detailed comprehension; understanding attitude, opinion and writer purpose. Reading for gist, inference and global meaning.
5 questions

Part 5
4-option multiple-choice cloze.
10 items, with an adapted-authentic text drawn from a variety of sources. The text is of a factual or narrative nature.
Understanding of vocabulary and grammar in a short text, and understanding the lexico-structural patterns in the text.