domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013!!!!!

Maybe it's a little bit late to publish links related to Christmas but I don't think so. Christmas' spirit wouldn't must end because Christmas time has gone. Christmas is not only about tree, presents, and tasty and yummy food. It's about friendship, goodness, love and hope. For this reason and from my point of view we must keep the Christmas spirit alive during all the year. So take these links as a Christmas presents for you:

FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2013!!!!!!!

Tal vez sea un poco tarde para publicar links sobre navidad pero yo no pienso asi. El espiritu navideño no deberia acabarse porque la fecha de la Navidad pase. La Navidad no trata del árbol, los regalos, y la deliciosa y riquísima comida. Trata sobre la amistad, la bondad, el amor y la esperanza. Por esa razón y bajo mi punto de vista debemos mantener el espíritu navideño durante todo el año. Así que os dedico estos links como regalos:

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year:

Jingle Bells (with cartoon):

Jingle Bells (with lyrics):

Jingle Bells Rock (with lyrics and cartoon):

All I want for Christmas is you:

KARAOKE version All I want for Christmas is you:

And last but not least for the very small kids "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth":
Y por último pero no menos importante para los más peques: " Todo lo que quiero por Navidad son mis dos  dientes delanteros":